Role of Social Media During COVID-19 Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted almost everyone’s way of life in some way. It caused us to distance ourselves from others, wash our hands more often, and developed a habit of wearing masks. Many people were prepared to work from home for the first time as a result of the public health threat. Businesses from various sectors have a significant link with COVID-19, particularly after authorities forced non-essential businesses to close temporarily and mandated that all others adopt new health and safety procedures. Many businesses are having problems with money management, employee and client management, and other concerns.
In these odd times, there is no universal solution for companies, but now there are some options for a better, more sustainable future. One of the newest techniques you can implement is social media marketing. More than at any other time in recent history, social media platforms have dominated newspapers as the primary source of information. In addition, the current situation (COVID-19) has acted as a basis for the growing use of social media.
According to Google, there are approximately 3.96 billion active users on different social media platforms. Facebook is used by 2.80 billion people, while Instagram is used by 1.074 billion people. Since such numerous people use social media sites, why should you wait to use them to promote your business?
Know Your Audience
Do some research, reach out to influencers who connect to your customer base, and do whatever it takes to put yourself in your customers’ hands. This in-depth understanding of your customers will guide everything you do during and after a crisis like COVID-19.
Explore New Things
If you want to expand your brand across several channels, now is the time to do so. Experiment with different content styles, such as video. User-generated content will assist you in engaging your customers. Try out some new interactive features that platforms have introduced, such as polls on Instagram and Facebook. Maintain interaction with customers and serve as a source of motivation, entertainment, and information.
Try Influencer Marketing and Other Paid Activities
Brand recognition can be increased by collaborating with the right influencers. Using paid advertising on the platforms will also help you develop your customer base. In comparison to other digital advertisements, social media ads are considered more personalized, and engaging.
Choose and Onboard the Appropriate Agency Partners
It’s critical to recruit and maintain good relationships with agency partners as they become an increasingly important part of the company. eWoke, as one of the leading social media marketing agencies in Kochi, would assist in connecting with the right customers, implementing various tactics, and even driving sales during this period.
Contact our team of experts today @+91 9072382964 or visit our website to help you navigate the new world of digital sales generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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